Friday, October 31, 2008

Another day...

Okay so, it's been like...six months since I last wrote a post...I figure it's time! Funny thing is, I have not gotten a hair cut since that picture, I redyed my hair not long ago, and I straightened it again today. The front is now down to my collar bone and the back looks kind of like a mullet! I have an appointment with Ben's aunt to cut my hair when we are in Minnesota next month. She is just trimming most of it but I'm thinking the mullet has to go!

In other news, today is Halloween. I'm not much of one for dressing up, but our work goes nuts on Halloween. We always have tons of decorations, many dress up, and kids are invited to join. It is undoubtedly the most unproductive day of the year, but it's fun to see all the little kids. I have two favorites. The first was my co-worker's two month old little girl, Isabella, dressed in the smallest costume of a bumblebee I have ever seen! Definitely wins the cute award for the day! The second is a funny/sad story! When we do the actual trick or treating part of the day, there were 45 kids this year, they turn off all the lights and let the kids loose. My boss and I tend to stand at our desks commenting on the kids. Well, at once point, I was sitting in front of some really little kids giving out candy when a little boy made his way to the front of the group. His costume was a really bright green so I exclaimed, "You're a very cute little frog!" Well, I meant this to be a compliment, but with very sullen eyes, the little boy looked at me with a frown of disappointment on his face and said, "I'm a dragon!" Sure enough, there were fangs on top of his head and a tail in back. I felt so bad! Come to find out my boss called him an alligator to which the boy had the same response. Kids are crazy on Halloween and I must admit that other than the cute costumes, it's the one day of the year I look forward to the least when I'm a parent. Which by the way, I am not!

I am an aunt though! My brother and his wife are about half way through the pregnancy of their first child. It's the first grandchild on my side of the family as well as hers so it's bound to be very spoiled. I went to the ultrasound the other day and video taped the whole thing! It was amazing!! God is so good and creative! We did find out the sex of the baby, but I won't post it just yet. I want Josh and Christy to have the first go at telling people. Suffice it to say that the baby is developing perfectly. The doctor was very positive about that. I am so blessed that they let me come along. I nearly started crying at one point, solidifying the issue in my mind that I will definitely cry when it's my own child! The weirdest part was when I took the camera, pointed it at my brother, and said, what does the daddy have to say? Calling my brother a daddy was a trip!

Alrighty, off for now...hopefully more to come in sooner than six months!