Wednesday, April 30, 2008

ER's, New Apartments and New Instruments

(Originally this bit of the post was put at the end...but I couldn't figure out how to put my pictures at the bottom of the post...they would only show up at the top. So, now this part is the first part of the post...and because I'm too lazy to re-write it you still get to read it like it's the last part...If you know how to put the picture in some other place than the top middle, left or right, please tell me!!) Last but not least as this is getting to be a long post, I cut, dyed and then straightened my hair! The cut was done by a pro, the dye and straightening was done by me, but below are some pics of that. Enjoy!!

Well, the last few weeks have been eventful I guess. It all started on April 12th. That was the day, a Saturday I might add, that Ben and I put in five hours at work to put us at 51 hours of work that work. Kind of gross, but I was getting time and a half for anything over 40 and it was the last week of doing this, so I didn't mind. To celebrate, Ben and I went out to eat at the Olive Garden which is my favorite restaurant. We finished eating there at about 4 pm and had a wonderful evening relaxing at home. Well, at 4 am the next morning, I awoke feeling very sick. My mind thought, well, I'm sure I'll just throw up and then I'll be all stomach was not in agreement. By 11 am I had lost all fluids in my body, through both ends I might add and usually at the same time, and was so dehydrated and weak, I couldn't get myself to the bathroom. I was also beginning to feel light-headed and was losing feeling in my hands. This is when Ben decided to take me to the hospital. There, I was injected with three liters of fluids and given lots of pain medication. I was diagnosed with Acute Gastroenteristis (probably spelled wrong), a virus of the intestines. I was basically destined to be dehydrated as even water would not have stayed in me. Seven hours in the ER and they sent me home with Perkiset (or however that is spelled) and an anti-nausea medicine. As a side note, I really enjoyed the Perkiset...but don't worry, I haven't taken them for recreational purposes. On the bright side, I got to sleep for basically two days and didn't have to work on the tax deadline, always a crazy day.

The next set of news is that Ben and I are moving into a new apartment. It cuts are commute to walking distance (yes, we currently work about 2.5 miles away and are moving to a block away) and is about 200 square feet bigger for not much more a month. We are commited to another year here. Work is going well and I still really love my job. My co-workers are really fun. I'll post pictures of the new place when we move into it. We're on the third floor which means vaulted ceilings. Plus, as people are moving out of these apartments, they are being refurbished. This means that when we move in, we will have new carpets, new paint on the walls which is a very nice off white color with white trim, new appliances, the works. I'm very excited. Plus, we will have a deck with a storage unit on it. We can finally take Ben's golf clubs out of the car...where they've been stored for the last two years. We moved June 14th.

On the learning side of life, I have lots of news. About a week and a half ago, Ben started teaching me guitar and I'm hooked. It's nice to learn after the bass guitar as I already have a feel for how it works. The tips of my fingers on my left hand have no feeling in them, which is weird, but the mark of a guitarist. I've been playing for about an hour every night which means that I am progressing quickly. Of all the instruments I've learned, Piano, Flute, some Cello, and the Bass Guitar, Regular Guitar is by far my favorite and is already what I have asked my parents to get me for Christmas. Plus, Ben and I bought a Spanish Tutor for our Nintendo DS and are brushing up on that for our missions trip to Mexico sometime in August with my brother assuming the dates don't conflict with a great wedding we are going to in early August! As a last update in this area, my wonderful husband surprised me and bought a French Tutor game for the DS so that I can relearn that!! I LOVE LEARNING!!!

1 comment:

Joshua said...