Saturday, November 08, 2008

Good Not Great

Well, that pretty much sums up my day. It started off just fine. Slept in a little bit, got a nice surprise call from Ben's parents and his entire extended family. Went out to breakfast with my wonderful husband. Went grocery shopping and came home to clean a little for our upcoming guests. This is where it began to go downhill. I got some good cleaning done and then decided to patch some holes in our comforter which happens to be amazing. In fact, we have had it since we got married three and a half years ago and have tried to replace it twice but both times ended up going back to the original. I tried to just replace it with a new one of the same thing, but it seems it has been discontinued. So, I sat down to sew it together by hand...this may seem like the slow way to go, but I was doing it this way for two reasons. First, the material is very thin and I had done this with another part of the comforter before and it worked like a charm. Second, I can't remember how to use my sewing machine. The difference is that these rips I sat down to fix today are a lot bigger. After a little bit of frustration, I decided to pull out my sewing machine. Right off the bat I broke a needle, which really sucks. The start of the day's downfall. In the process of trying to kneel down to find the broken piece, my knee popped out of joint. Side note, this is not the first time this has happened. It has happened on and off since I was in junior high. It hadn't happened in a while because I have finally gotten into a good workout routine which to start off meant about 45 minutes of biking three times a week. I believe this stregthened my knee so that it stopped happening for a while. But in the past few months, I started varying my routine a little more and today's knee popping totals three times in the last few months. Back to when my knee popped out today, I did my usual jump back while simultaneously straightening my leg which usually puts my knee back together. Today, it didn't quite work as well. As Ben was running over to help, I was having to push my leg down and it popped back but so loudly, that Ben heard it from about 12 feet away. Well after that, my dad and I were on the phone and he told me that it's possible I have the degenerative knee problem that he has, causing him to have a double knee replacement about three years ago at the age of 55. Awesome. After going back to work on my sewing machine and breaking yet another needle, I gave up on patching the quilt. Ben and I decided to make a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond and to buy a new comforter. It's beautiful and was on clearance so dirt day is looking up! Nope, my knee is not only getting more and more sore, but I continued my accident prone day by standing up and nailing my head on the stairs. I think what's making me most cranky is the prospect of what lies ahead for my knees. Both pop out like that and dad said the doctor told him that his knee condition is a problem that could be genetic. So, I am going to be sending a description of what happens when my knee pops out to my dad who plans to ask his orthopedic surgeon to take a look at my description and see if I might possibly have the same knee condition. I once went a few years ago to a specialist to look at my knee and he just gave me some knee exercises to do to strengthen my knee. My dad is thinking that I really need to go see an orthopedic surgeon. I know I need to go to a doctor no matter what and I just worry about what the outcome could be. I hope it can just be fixed with some physical therapy or something, but worry about the fact that it doesn't seem to be making a difference that I'm getting a pretty good workout on it right now and if anything, it just seems to be getting worse. In fact, the last few times its popped out, it took a little more effort than usual to get it back in...maybe my exercises are making it worse?? I've also noticed lately that every once and a while when I'm walking, my left knee, the one that popped out today just kind of gives out. I know that whatever happens will be fine, but I worry about surgery. I just don't want to have it! Anyway, time will tell I guess.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Upcoming Events

Well this next month is shaping up into a great one! We didn't have too many plans until about a week ago. First, Ben and I have decided to make our yearly pilgrimage this month instead of January. We usually go in Jan because it's cheaper, but this year, plane tickets are so expensive combined with boarding the dogs and it's just less expensive to go now and drive home! So, we will be driving back to Minnesota first and then on to Wisconsin. For more details, give me a call! We're really excited because it will be the first holiday that we are home for since we moved out here to CO. Second, which is actually happening first, we have some visitors coming. I'm really excited to host people in our new apartment! The first visitor is a good friend of my parents named Bala. He is a missionary with the EFCA and will be staying with us from Sunday to Wednesday. On Tuesday, our second visitor comes and I must say that I cannot wait for her!! It's one of my very close friends Kristi from college. I must say that I have some really great memories with her! One time, for a Residence Life overnight, we tried to make chili. But not just any chili, cheesy chili like any good Wisconsinite! Well...let's just say that it was really really runny so we just thought, "adding cheese will help!" didn't. But in the end, I didn't have to take any home so I guess it was a success! She is here for about five days and then she leaves and four days later we start our trek. We're gone for ten days and then my dad comes for a few days and then leaves for two weeks and then comes back again for Christmas!! Phew! It's going to be 2009 before I know it!

I continue my weight loss venture. I haven't really lost much weight, but I have lost inches which I sometimes forget to be grateful for! I went down a pants size the other day that I haven't been to since the beginning of college. I guess we'll continue to see how it goes. I'm excited about the fact that now I'm addicted to working out. I love it and crave it and want to take advantage of that while it's here!

Well, that's all for now folks! Stay tuned!!