Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Upcoming Events

Well this next month is shaping up into a great one! We didn't have too many plans until about a week ago. First, Ben and I have decided to make our yearly pilgrimage this month instead of January. We usually go in Jan because it's cheaper, but this year, plane tickets are so expensive combined with boarding the dogs and it's just less expensive to go now and drive home! So, we will be driving back to Minnesota first and then on to Wisconsin. For more details, give me a call! We're really excited because it will be the first holiday that we are home for since we moved out here to CO. Second, which is actually happening first, we have some visitors coming. I'm really excited to host people in our new apartment! The first visitor is a good friend of my parents named Bala. He is a missionary with the EFCA and will be staying with us from Sunday to Wednesday. On Tuesday, our second visitor comes and I must say that I cannot wait for her!! It's one of my very close friends Kristi from college. I must say that I have some really great memories with her! One time, for a Residence Life overnight, we tried to make chili. But not just any chili, cheesy chili like any good Wisconsinite! Well...let's just say that it was really really runny so we just thought, "adding cheese will help!" Yeah...it didn't. But in the end, I didn't have to take any home so I guess it was a success! She is here for about five days and then she leaves and four days later we start our trek. We're gone for ten days and then my dad comes for a few days and then leaves for two weeks and then comes back again for Christmas!! Phew! It's going to be 2009 before I know it!

I continue my weight loss venture. I haven't really lost much weight, but I have lost inches which I sometimes forget to be grateful for! I went down a pants size the other day that I haven't been to since the beginning of college. I guess we'll continue to see how it goes. I'm excited about the fact that now I'm addicted to working out. I love it and crave it and want to take advantage of that while it's here!

Well, that's all for now folks! Stay tuned!!

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