Saturday, October 21, 2006

Finally at Home

Well, last weekend I spent in Estes Park at a Women's Retreat with my wonderful sister Christy. I didn't know what to expect from the weekend, I was going to be with a bunch of women I didn't know, but I was excited nonetheless. It ended up being the best thing I could have done. Even though the speaker for the weekend was...well...terrible, I really enjoyed the women who were there. Christy and I decided it was the first time that we actually spent time together alone. The consensus: we like each other. We really enjoy being together. As they say at the end of Casablanca, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Our other two roommates were Terri and Barb. Two of the most wonderful women in the world. Ever since then, I have felt at total peace about being here in Colorado. God is good.

The second thing that has finally fallen into place this week was my job. I have had it for two and a half months and finally they explained to me why they hired me. The area of the company that I will now be administrator for is finally ready to be launched. This is good because it has finally made me feel like I have a place there. Up until now, I have been just learning a lot of other peoples jobs. I am ready to have my own.

My husband found out his LSAT score today. It wasn't as good as he would want but it still puts him in the 82nd percentile which is good. He should still be able to get into Law School. If not this year, next year. The nice part is that God has a plan and that's all that matters. God bless!

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Um... I updated my blog, too. Are you pregnant yet!?

btw, its no fun that you have a pregnancy updater on your blog. Now I have no reason to ask you.

But that doesn't mean I still wont.