Sunday, March 30, 2008

"That's not mint green. That's the pastel that mint green threw up into a bucket of white paint!"

Ahh yes, the above quote was so brilliantly stated by my wonderful husband this last week. Paints quite the picture doesn't it? He was talking about a truck we were passing at lunch time. It was a good laugh on a day when emotions ran high at work...and it's still three weeks from taxes due! I love my husband. He makes me laugh so much. For example, for about the last week, the CD player has been broken. Not loving the Christian radio station out here, we actually have been just enjoying our car rides together since there are very few places we go that we aren't together. So, we talk or just enjoy looking around us at what's passing by. Well, today, we started singing at the top of our lungs Falling by Alicia Keys, and not well. Passing by us, you would probably have thought that we really had the radio blaring, but we didn't. It's times like that that I know I married the right person for me. He doesn't look at me like I'm nuts, he just does it with me. I think he still thinks I'm crazy, but I choose to believe he loves it. Well, that's my ode to my husband for today.

I've been thinking about kids a lot lately, surprise surprise. I'm not pregnant, but many around me are. My friend in Minnesota is having twins! That's a little much for me right now, but she'll handle it like a pro. She's a great mom and a good example for me. Sometimes I wish we were closer to having children, but I have really enjoyed these last almost three years with my husband. When we got married, everyone said, wait a while to have children, and I was like, Ben and I have been together for 3 1/2 years, we don't need more time just the two of us. But I have actually really loved these years. I know that I will love kids when they come too, but for now I'm content to just sing loudly in the car with my husband, stretching him to be a little crazier and him reigning me in some. Probably preparing both of us to be more ready for children when they do come.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wonderful Tax Season

So because I work at a company that does business consulting and taxes, this is a very busy time for us. Usually, we hire a temporary person to help me through the tax season because my admin work triples. This year, my boss allowed me and another co-worker to be involved in the hiring process. We got to pull resumes, call people, explain the job, set up interviews and even conduct the initial interview. If we felt the person was good, we would call in my boss and he would contiue the interview. Overall, it was a great experience. Unfortunately, the person we ended up hiring, didn't quite work out. After she had worked three of her first eight days, my manager and I began to think of other options. In short, I now am working 50 hour work weeks and am templess. At first I was wondering if this was going to work or not, but God is good and now, I'm totally fine. It sounds weird, but I'm ahead of the game. I am clearing out my e-mail every day which doesn't usually even happen during the non-busy season, I'm doing all the special projects that my manager and I had talked about doing while I had the temp to help me. In fact, I would have no way of keeping a temp busy had we kept her on! As I started thinking about this over the weekend while I was at work helping others get caught up, I realized there is only one way to explain what's going on and it has absolutely nothing to do with me. It's all God. You see, I had been praying that God would make me efficient, and He has. It's like when you get to the end of the month, and mathimatically, you should not have enough money to cover your bills, but you do. God is the ultimate provider, He is the hardest worker, and for me, He is making the hours in my day long enough for me to be over-efficient. I guess all I can say is Praise God! Without him, my life would be stressed and hectic, but it's not! How amazing is that?!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The wife of a Politician

Well, I sit this morning home alone. This is not necessarily a bad thing, some people like time away from their spouse every once and a while. Most think Ben and I are crazy because we work together. It's amazing how many people at work say they could never spend so much time with their spouse, but it works for Ben and me. Besides, when we're at work, even though we only sit about 10 feet away from each other, we really don't interact much. Anyway, Ben ran off this morning to spend the day as a delegate to the Democratic party. He is voting for Obama in the county...thing...I don't really know the specifics of what it's call, all I know is that when Ben when to the Primary to vote, he volunteered to be a delegate. Now, he goes to a county voting and from these people, delegates will be chosen to go to the State voting and from there the National voting with the Super Delegates. Random side note, he just text messaged me and called it the county caucus, so just pretend I just said caucus instead of voting throughout this last few sentences...I guess I really need to learn these things better if Ben is going to get into this. Gotta say, when I married him, I never thought I would be preparing myself to be the wife of a politician. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but in my defense, he said nothing of this desire before we got married. About a month later he started talking about it though, and now all I know is that his goal is to someday be a Senator! I'm not so sure how I feel about it all yet, but I know that God is in control and that's all that matters. I know Ben will be amazing in this capacity, but me, a senator's wife?? I guess we'll see.

Other than all this, life is good. It's great actually! I love my job. I have fun co-workers that keep my day interesting (in a good way) and lots of work to do which makes the days go quickly. I'm working around 50 hour work weeks through the tax season, but hey, yeah for extra income right? Home is good, I have the cutest two dogs in the world, Chiquita our Min Pin/Chihauhau/other, and Mashugah, our actual chihauhau. My family is doing well, Josh and Christy are in the process of buying a house and my parents recently made a huge change making them a missionaries! Anyway, what will I do with my day? Now that is the question...I'll first decide if I'm getting out of bed and go from there!! :)