Monday, March 17, 2008

Wonderful Tax Season

So because I work at a company that does business consulting and taxes, this is a very busy time for us. Usually, we hire a temporary person to help me through the tax season because my admin work triples. This year, my boss allowed me and another co-worker to be involved in the hiring process. We got to pull resumes, call people, explain the job, set up interviews and even conduct the initial interview. If we felt the person was good, we would call in my boss and he would contiue the interview. Overall, it was a great experience. Unfortunately, the person we ended up hiring, didn't quite work out. After she had worked three of her first eight days, my manager and I began to think of other options. In short, I now am working 50 hour work weeks and am templess. At first I was wondering if this was going to work or not, but God is good and now, I'm totally fine. It sounds weird, but I'm ahead of the game. I am clearing out my e-mail every day which doesn't usually even happen during the non-busy season, I'm doing all the special projects that my manager and I had talked about doing while I had the temp to help me. In fact, I would have no way of keeping a temp busy had we kept her on! As I started thinking about this over the weekend while I was at work helping others get caught up, I realized there is only one way to explain what's going on and it has absolutely nothing to do with me. It's all God. You see, I had been praying that God would make me efficient, and He has. It's like when you get to the end of the month, and mathimatically, you should not have enough money to cover your bills, but you do. God is the ultimate provider, He is the hardest worker, and for me, He is making the hours in my day long enough for me to be over-efficient. I guess all I can say is Praise God! Without him, my life would be stressed and hectic, but it's not! How amazing is that?!

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